Sunday, August 25, 2019

homelessness can be hazardous to your health!

Thanks to all who care about the less fortunate who showed up to my first documentary “Homelessness Can Be Hazardous To Your Health”! Special Thanks to my very first instructor,
Teacher Karen McCoo who taught me how to edit! 

Thanks also for private session on the next documentary! Could not have done this without my HLN TEAM, my Loving Hubby/Videographer/Producer Tony Hogues, my Senior Videographer/Producer Amandilo Cuzan, Senior Director/Producer Keith McDonald and Last but not least Clifton Bradley/Producer of The Underground Railroad! Opinions from the audience n fellow Life Learners is greatly appreciated! 

Thanks for your guidance and direction! Thanks to Rhonda Thomas for your upcoming promos for the HLN TV SHOW! Higher Learning Network TV Show airs Tuesday’s 6pm/Wednesday 1pm in XFinity Channel 19 n YouTube channel Higher Learning Network TV Show CHANNEL! Please LIKE/Subscribe/Share! #shareTheJoy