The new documentary film CHEWICIDE, THE MOVIE is shipping daily! |
You have been very patient with your Brother. You'll soon find it was worth the wait.
Keidi Awadu |
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Dinner-and-a-Movie is a big hit with our family & friends. |
Today was the day that I started shipping out the new documentary CHEWICIDE, THE MOVIE in large quantities. Many of you who are reading this update will receive yours this week. I am so wonderfully grateful that you believed in your Brother, helped to share the burden of such an expensive endeavor, and are now spreading the word about this cultural commentary. It's going to be a great year.
If you haven't already, do get your copy of the feature-length documentary today. It really is a great investment and the reviews have been superb across all audiences. There are more films to make but for now we've got to get these units moving. I'm serious about this. In this country a lot of people are really hurting because they just don't know what to do about their health and nutrition. We aim to help all who would receive our outstretched hands.
So check it out. Get your friends together and let's do Dinner-and-a-Movie together. I look forward to our wonderful times together, collaborating to usher in a healthy future.
The first to purchase CHEWICIDE, THE MOVIE have been receiving a special BONUS DVD that doubles the value of the investment. You win, I win and the health of our entire community wins with this initiative. You gotta love it. Would YOU like to also help to distribute the film and make some good income as well? Contact me through the website http:// !and let's get this party started
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