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Tuesday 9.16.14 HLN-TV Show |
N'Spirational Conversations
N'Spiration and N'Formation Take the HLN app with you on your ipod, ipad, zune, tablet, etc, https://market.android.com/details?id=org.HLN&feature=search_result
This newsletter includes:
1. NSpirational Conversations 2. Community Calendar N'Spirartional Conversations I just had to share this info:
There's no lack of money in the Universe.
The only difference between you and someone who has a lot is the way they think about money. They think abundantly. They deeply believe they have enough and they always will.
I had a call with a follower yesterday
who is a very positive and spiritually aware person, but when the topic of money came up, the energy turned stressful. She very naturally stated that she has so much debt, and that she couldn’t even think about paying for a coach, as well as that she doesn’t believe that her potential clients could pay anything close to what coaches ask for their services. I grew up in a single mom immigrant family. Money was a struggle. It was always thought of as a hard to achieve status symbol. I never believed I would have more than a decent salary would provide me.
That was until I started to learn about metaphysics
and spirituality. Understanding how thoughts are energy completely changed my life. I began to become aware of my mental patterns of lack and limit and began to consciously change them.
At first I felt like a fake, a liar, and that I was being
unrealistic, but pretty soon I started to see my money world change. I even manifested my corporate layoff and a sufficient severance package to support a world travel spiritual sabbatical. Here are five ways you can begin to change your money mindset today:
1. Watch your language around money.
I don’t have enough.
That’s too expensive. I’ll never be able to buy that.
Watch your words not just in what you say,
but in what you think, too. Create a money mantra, such as, “Money comes easily and frequently,” or, “There’s always more where that came from,” to help change your thought patterns. 2. Bless your money.
True abundance
starts with appreciating what you already have. Get to know your money — your income, bills, bank accounts, cash. What you focus on grows. 3. Celebrate abundance in others.
Believe others have it.
Be happy for those who have what you want. Watch your tendency to see other’s money limitations instead see all they do have and wish them more. 4. Charge well for your services.
It’s like you’re commanding to the
Universe that you expect to be supported in an easeful way. You should have the kind of lifestyle you deserve. It’s not bad, or greedy ... it’s your birthright. When you ask others to pay for your service, you're giving them permission to invest in themselves and uplevel their life. 5. Be generous.
Invest in yourself. Donate.
Say, “I’ll treat,” sometimes. When you truly live with an abundance mindset, you continuously expand, even in the face of economic or personal contraction. Plus, being generous feels good and feeling good is a surefire way to bring more things and experiences that feel good.
You may desire a million bucks in the bank,
or just enough to have a nice lifestyle. Whatever you wish is perfect and worthy, and the Universe wants to support you. What I know for sure is that more than having more money, you want the experience you believe money will give you: that your life feels full of ease and joyful.
Start celebrating abundance
in everyone and everything and watch it show up more easily in your life." If you enjoy our NSpirational Conversations, tell us www.facebook.com/hlntvshow Until next ime, Stay on purpose, stay empowered, stay tuned to higher learning! Lovingly, Zelda Robinson-Hogues Author/Speaker/Trainer/Host/Media Consultant CLTV Traffic/HLN-TV Producer (Available for your next event!) Book Today! blogs jobs http://menonhigherlearning.blogspot.com
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N'Spirational Conversations is a vignette that started from a conversation with Troi Tyler that turned into my second book, which was heard over 5 years on the Troi Tyler Show on V103, Gospel 1390AM, and Hot 107.5 in Bermuda! Now you can have it whenever you want it. Just click and listen!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
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