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Wednesday 4.17.14 HLN-TV Show |
N'Spirational Conversations
N'Spiration and N'Formation Take the HLN app with you on your ipod, ipad, zune, tablet, etc, https://market.android.com/details?id=org.HLN&feature=search_result
This newsletter includes:
1. NSpirational Conversations 2. Community Calendar N'Spirartional Conversations Speical thanks to all the volunteers who came out to the Chicago Food Depository to help feed the needy! We could not have done it without you! We made boxes, packed potatoes and cabbage and laughed a lot and really had a good time! I will always appreciat those who reached out to me when I had surgery last year this time, even if I couldn't eat much. The fact that someone really thinks and cares enough about you to spend a few hours of their day with you, is really a blessing! Hope you can find the time to volunteer an hour or two for the next event! Volunteers are always needed! Call Margaret 773-342-5868 Be sure and join EAA for the next event of Spring Green and Clean! European American Assoication Sat. April 26th, 2014 2827 W. Division St. 10am - til 1pm Need Exposure for your Product/Service! Have Professional TV Studio TAPING! MUST RSVP for headcount/details to info@HigherLearningNetwork.org Saturday May 17th 1 - 5pm Chicago Access TV 322 S. Green Street (Enter CORNER entrance) FREE Parking on Street ($5.00 Parking lot on Jackson/Green) LIMITED SEATING! First Come! First Serve! Until next ime, Stay on purpose, stay empowered, stay tuned to higher learning! Lovingly, Zelda Robinson-Hogues Author/Speaker/Trainer/Host/Media Consultant CLTV Traffic/HLN-TV Producer (Available for your next event!) Book Today! new feature: entrepenuerS of the week! If something happened to you or your loved ones, would you have to ask friends/family/co-workers for donations to pay final respect? Get insured today! We all have to leave the planet earth! Leave with dignity and style! Call Dr. Eurydice Moore 773-544-5341 for info on insurance, investments, or 501cs." Yisrael Communications 2013 Graphic Designer of the Year! www.ifreelance.com/provider/detail.aspx?providerid=64568 poet of the week WWW.OfPoetry.com blogs recruiting kids, jobshttp://menonhigherlearning.blogspot.comhurt feelings/problems letting go? keys 2 4giveness http://higherlearningnetworknfp.blogspot.com
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